CoQ10 is a fat-soluble, vitamin like substance found in every cell in the body. It is essential to the mitochondria, the energy producing center of the cell, and is involved in the production of ATP, the major energy source for the cell. CoQ10 levels are reported to decrease as we age and certain prescriptions (i.e., Statin Drugs) may also deplete cellular levels of CoQ10.
Benefits of CoQ10
May lower bad LDL cholesterol's ability to stick to the blood vessels.
May fuel highly energy-dependent cells.
May improve mitochondrial functions.
May protect brain cells from oxidative damage.
Coenzyme Q10 is beneficial for heart health by maintaining the normal oxidative state of LDL cholesterol, it will also help assure circulatory health, and therefore support the optimal functioning of the heart muscle. By being involved in teh generation of ATP, it will also provide the energy your heart need. Overall, your cells use CoQ10 for growth and maintenance, so lower levels of CoQ10 are not supportive of other efforts to reduce illness.
Oxidative stress, caused by a host of factors, causes mitochondiral disfunction. This infers with muscle function, exercise and increases oxidative stress on the entire metaoblic system. By controlling and satisfying oxidative stress, CoQ10 will ease damage and stress potential at the cellular level.
Antioxidants are important to immune cell function across all ages helping to shield immune cells by neutralizing free radicals which become increasingly critical as we age as the free radical formation and oxidative damage is on the rise. Antioxidant Plus is designed to boost your immune system’s efficiency with antioxidant nutrients such vitamin A and C, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC), CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic Acid and selenium known to neutralize the destructive chain reactions of free radicals. Research has found vitamin A to play a critical role in immunity by regulating the migration of both innate and adaptive immune cells. Evidence has shown vitamin A to activate specific receptors in innate lymphoid cells that act like homing devices, making it possible for these immune cells to migrate from the lymph nodes to the epithelial cell barrier of the intestines to fight infections from parasites, bacteria and viruses at the point of entry. Studies have found the antibacterial properties of NAC to be successful in inhibiting biofilm formation which may be involved in many infections including upper respiratory airway infections, bronchitis and pneumonia. Vitamin C supports epithelial barrier function which serves as a protective barrier against infectious pathogens, promotes the antioxidant and free radical scavenging of the skin and helps protect against environmental oxidative stress. Research indicates Antioxidant Plus for immune system protection could be considered.
Cellular division creates oxidative damage, which in turn, enhances the production of harmful compounds that could affect memory, cognition and physical functions. CoQ10 may reduce these harmful compounds, possibly slowing the progression of cellular level breakdown. Unfortunately, the brain is very susceptible to oxidative damage due to its high fatty acid content and its high demand for oxygen.